Students who like science and want to work with plants, land or animals should check out this career path. Farming and ranching technology is evolving. This means there is a need for trained workers. Our program trains you for a broad range of related careers. Potential careers include:
- Farming and ranching
- ConservationÂ
- Equipment manufacturingÂ
- Landscaping
- Flower shops and greenhouses
Choose a focus based on your interests. Ozarks Tech offers degrees in plant science, animal science or general agriculture. After graduation, you can pursue a four-year degree or start working right away.
Program Contact
Robert Flatness
Department Chair for Agriculture
Richwood Valley Campus
Accreditations and Outcomes
OTC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Our current accreditation status with the HLC is displayed on the page linked below. Our next comprehensive evaluation will be in 2030-2031. View more information on OTC accreditation.
Program Outcomes
Admissions Information
Admission to Ozarks Technical Community College is open to all individuals who can benefit from its educational programs. A focus of the college mission is on the academic, career and personal goals of the student. OTC may admit you as a First-Time student just completing their high school, GED or HiSET requirements or as a Transfer student coming from another institution finishing up a certificate or degree. For more information, visit OTC Admissions.
Wondering how you’re going to pay for college? At OTC, we believe that cost shouldn’t be a barrier to earning a degree. Our staff will work with you to make a financial plan. To browse the resources available to you, see paying for college.
Transfer Information
At Ozarks Tech, we want your transfer process to be easy. We accomplish this goal through articulation agreements. These agreements are an official partnership to match coursework between schools. This gives you a more seamless transition from Ozarks Tech to a four-year institution.
We have established an agreement for this program. This will simplify the transfer of your credits to partner schools. To understand how this degree will transfer, review the current articulation agreements. Be sure to consult with your transfer school to ensure you’re on the right path toward completing your four-year degree.
Associate of Arts |
Agriculture - General |
63 credit hours |
$11,891.00* |
Associate of Arts |
Agriculture - Animal Science |
63 credit hours |
$11,924.00* |
Associate of Arts |
Agriculture - Plant Science |
63 credit hours |
$11,657.00* |
Certificate of Achievement |
Agriculture |
32 credit hours |
$6,528.00* |
Short-Term Training |
Learn More |
Accelerate your career with OTC's short-term training courses. Gain valuable skills in as little as just weeks and unlock new opportunities for success. View courses. |
Learn More |
Varies by course |
Not Sure Which Career is Right for You?
Clicking on the options below will provide overview information, course sequences (when applicable), and specific course descriptions. To see a full catalog of all the offerings at OTC, visit
Agriculture: General Agriculture (A.A.)
Agriculture: General Agriculture (A.A.)
Program Description
A.A. Degree: 63 Hours
The Associate of Arts degree in Agriculture allows students to develop academic abilities and skills associated with the agriculture industry. Students with long-term goals of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in any chosen field of Agriculture will benefit from these courses.
General Agriculture Courses - 18 Credit Hours
- AGR-112 Tree and Shrub Identification
- AGR-113 Pest Management
- AGR-116 Horticulture Production
- AGR-144 Agriculture Economics
- AGR-155 Small Eng&Power Sports Repair
- AGR-160 Animal Science
- AGR-161 Introduction to Horses
- AGR-180 Plant and Soil Science
- AGR-190 Turfgrass Management
- AGR-210 Wildlife Management
- AGR-212 Greenhouse Horticulture
- AGR-214 Landscape Design
- AGR-220 Agriculture Business Management
- AGR-225 Introduction to Forestry
- AGR-235 Soils
- AGR-262 Livestock Management
- AGR-268 Forage Management
General Education Requirements - 42 Credit Hours
CORE 42 is a statewide general education course of study intended to ensure that all graduates possess a common core of college-level skills and knowledge. CORE 42 specifies the basic competencies and knowledge areas that all students completing degrees at a Missouri public institution of higher education must complete. CORE 42 is comprised of dozens of courses distributed across five knowledge areas. These courses are designated with a Missouri Transfer (MOTR) course number, which guarantees the one-to-one transfer of these courses among all Missouri public institutions of higher education. Please refer to MDHE Core Transfer Curriculum for detailed information on CORE 42 courses.
All knowledge areas below, designated with the CORE 42 logo indicate all courses in that area have been evaluated and provided a MOTR number for transfer to all Missouri public institutions of higher education.
Mathematical Sciences - 3 Credit Hours
- MTH-128 Contemporary Mathematics
- MTH-128S Cont Mathematics with Support
- MTH-129 Introductory Statistics
- MTH-130 Algebra for Calculus
- MTH-130S Algebra for Calculus With Support
- MTH-131 Trigonometry
- MTH-138 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- MTH-140 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
- MTH-141 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
- MTH-210 Statistical Methods
- MTH-214 Discrete Mathematics
- MTH-215 Algebraic Structures
- MTH-230 Linear Algebra
- MTH-240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
- MTH-241 Differential Equations
Written Communication - 6 Credit Hours
Oral Communication - 3 Credit Hours
Humanities and Fine Arts - 9 Credit Hours (from at least 2 disciplines, and a limit of no more than 3 credit hours of performance courses can be applied to Humanities and Fine Arts)
- ART-100 Art and Experience
- ART-101 Art History I
- ART-105 Art History II
- ART-120 Drawing I
- ASL-101 American Sign Language I
- ASL-102 American Sign Language II
- CHN-101 Beginning Chinese
- ENG-180 Introduction to Literature
- ENG-260 Survey of World Literature I
- ENG-265 Survey of World Literature II
- ENG-240 Survey English Literature I
- ENG-241 Survey English Literature II
- ENG-270 Survey American Literature I
- ENG-271 Survey American Literature II
- FRN-101 Beginning French I
- FRN-102 Beginning French II
- GRM-101 Beginning German I
- GRM-102 Beginning German II
- HUM-101 Introduction to the Humanities
- MUS-101 Music of the World
- MUS-105 Western Music Appreciation
- MUS-106 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS-145 Jazz Ensemble
- MUS-235 OTC Concert Choir
- PHL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL-105 Introduction to Ethics
- REL-100 Intro Religions Of The World
- REL-101 Intro to Old Testament
- REL-102 Intro to New Testament
- SPN-101 Beginning Spanish I
- SPN-102 Beginning Spanish II
- THR-101 Introduction to Theater
Natural Sciences - 7 Credit Hours (from at least 2 disciplines, including one course with a lab component)
Social and Behavioral Sciences - 9 Credit Hours (include at least one Civics course, PLS 101 or HST 120 or HST 130)
- ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT-220 Cultural Anthropology
- COM-150 Intro Mass Communication
- CRM-210 Intro to Criminal Justice
- CRM-230 Introduction to Criminology
- ECO-270 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO-275 Principles of Microeconomics
- GRY-101 World Geography
- HST-105 Ancient and Medieval World History
- HST-106 Modern World History
- HST-120 U.S. History I: to 1865
- HST-130 U.S. History II: 1865-Present
- PLS-101 American Government and Politics
- PLS-201 International Relations
- PSY-110 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY-130 Life Span Development Psychology
- SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC-210 Urban Sociology
- SOC-215 Deconstructing Social Problems
Core Electives - 5 Credit Hours
Credit received from an OTC course may be greater than the MOTR transfer equivalency. The additional credit provided from OTC for a MOTR approved course will move the additional credit to the Core electives (e.g. CHM 160 at OTC = 4 credit hours. MOTR equivalency = 3 credit hours; additional 1 hour moved to Core electives). Any course with an approved MOTR number or additional hours from a MOTR approved course can be utilized to fulfill the Core electives requirement.
Agriculture: Animal Science (A.A.)
Agriculture: Animal Science (A.A.)
Program Description
A.A. Degree: 63 Hours
The Associate of Arts degree in Agriculture allows students to develop academic abilities and skills associated with the agriculture industry. Students with long-term goals of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in any chosen field of Agriculture will benefit from these courses.
Agriculture - Animal Science Courses - 18 Credit Hours
General Education Requirements - 42 Credit Hours
CORE 42 is a statewide general education course of study intended to ensure that all graduates possess a common core of college-level skills and knowledge. CORE 42 specifies the basic competencies and knowledge areas that all students completing degrees at a Missouri public institution of higher education must complete. CORE 42 is comprised of dozens of courses distributed across five knowledge areas. These courses are designated with a Missouri Transfer (MOTR) course number, which guarantees the one-to-one transfer of these courses among all Missouri public institutions of higher education. Please refer to MDHE Core Transfer Curriculum for detailed information on CORE 42 courses.
All knowledge areas below, designated with the CORE 42 logo indicate all courses in that area have been evaluated and provided a MOTR number for transfer to all Missouri public institutions of higher education.
Mathematical Sciences - 3 Credit Hours
- MTH-128 Contemporary Mathematics
- MTH-128S Cont Mathematics with Support
- MTH-129 Introductory Statistics
- MTH-130 Algebra for Calculus
- MTH-130S Algebra for Calculus With Support
- MTH-131 Trigonometry
- MTH-138 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- MTH-140 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
- MTH-141 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
- MTH-210 Statistical Methods
- MTH-214 Discrete Mathematics
- MTH-215 Algebraic Structures
- MTH-230 Linear Algebra
- MTH-240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
- MTH-241 Differential Equations
Written Communication - 6 Credit Hours
Oral Communication - 3 Credit Hours
Humanities and Fine Arts - 9 Credit Hours (from at least 2 disciplines, and a limit of no more than 3 credit hours of performance courses can be applied to Humanities and Fine Arts)
- ART-100 Art and Experience
- ART-101 Art History I
- ART-105 Art History II
- ART-120 Drawing I
- ASL-101 American Sign Language I
- ASL-102 American Sign Language II
- CHN-101 Beginning Chinese
- ENG-180 Introduction to Literature
- ENG-260 Survey of World Literature I
- ENG-265 Survey of World Literature II
- ENG-240 Survey English Literature I
- ENG-241 Survey English Literature II
- ENG-270 Survey American Literature I
- ENG-271 Survey American Literature II
- FRN-101 Beginning French I
- FRN-102 Beginning French II
- GRM-101 Beginning German I
- GRM-102 Beginning German II
- HUM-101 Introduction to the Humanities
- MUS-101 Music of the World
- MUS-105 Western Music Appreciation
- MUS-106 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS-145 Jazz Ensemble
- MUS-235 OTC Concert Choir
- PHL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL-105 Introduction to Ethics
- REL-100 Intro Religions Of The World
- REL-101 Intro to Old Testament
- REL-102 Intro to New Testament
- SPN-101 Beginning Spanish I
- SPN-102 Beginning Spanish II
- THR-101 Introduction to Theater
Natural Sciences - 7 Credit Hours (from at least 2 disciplines, including one course with a lab component)
Social and Behavioral Sciences - 9 Credit Hours (include at least one Civics course, PLS 101 or HST 120 or HST 130)
- ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT-220 Cultural Anthropology
- COM-150 Intro Mass Communication
- CRM-210 Intro to Criminal Justice
- CRM-230 Introduction to Criminology
- ECO-270 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO-275 Principles of Microeconomics
- GRY-101 World Geography
- HST-105 Ancient and Medieval World History
- HST-106 Modern World History
- HST-120 U.S. History I: to 1865
- HST-130 U.S. History II: 1865-Present
- PLS-101 American Government and Politics
- PLS-201 International Relations
- PSY-110 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY-130 Life Span Development Psychology
- SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC-210 Urban Sociology
- SOC-215 Deconstructing Social Problems
Core Electives - 5 Credit Hours
Credit received from an OTC course may be greater than the MOTR transfer equivalency. The additional credit provided from OTC for a MOTR approved course will move the additional credit to the Core electives (e.g. CHM 160 at OTC = 4 credit hours. MOTR equivalency = 3 credit hours; additional 1 hour moved to Core electives). Any course with an approved MOTR number or additional hours from a MOTR approved course can be utilized to fulfill the Core electives requirement.
Agriculture: Plant Science (A.A.)
Agriculture: Plant Science (A.A.)
Program Description
A.A. Degree: 63 Hours
The Associate of Arts degree in Agriculture allows students to develop academic abilities and skills associated with the agriculture industry. Students with long-term goals of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in any chosen field of Agriculture will benefit from these courses.
Plant Science Courses - 18 Credit Hours
- AGR-112 Tree and Shrub Identification
- AGR-113 Pest Management
- AGR-116 Horticulture Production
- AGR-144 Agriculture Economics
- AGR-145 Landcare Equipment Operation and Maintenance
- AGR-160 Animal Science
- AGR-180 Plant and Soil Science
- AGR-190 Turfgrass Management
- AGR-212 Greenhouse Horticulture
- AGR-214 Landscape Design
- AGR-225 Introduction to Forestry
- AGR-235 Soils
- AGR-268 Forage Management
General Education Requirements - 42 Credit Hours
CORE 42 is a statewide general education course of study intended to ensure that all graduates possess a common core of college-level skills and knowledge. CORE 42 specifies the basic competencies and knowledge areas that all students completing degrees at a Missouri public institution of higher education must complete. CORE 42 is comprised of dozens of courses distributed across five knowledge areas. These courses are designated with a Missouri Transfer (MOTR) course number, which guarantees the one-to-one transfer of these courses among all Missouri public institutions of higher education. Please refer to MDHE Core Transfer Curriculum for detailed information on CORE 42 courses.
All knowledge areas below, designated with the CORE 42 logo indicate all courses in that area have been evaluated and provided a MOTR number for transfer to all Missouri public institutions of higher education.
Mathematical Sciences - 3 Credit Hours
- MTH-128 Contemporary Mathematics
- MTH-128S Cont Mathematics with Support
- MTH-129 Introductory Statistics
- MTH-130 Algebra for Calculus
- MTH-130S Algebra for Calculus With Support
- MTH-131 Trigonometry
- MTH-138 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- MTH-140 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
- MTH-141 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
- MTH-210 Statistical Methods
- MTH-214 Discrete Mathematics
- MTH-215 Algebraic Structures
- MTH-230 Linear Algebra
- MTH-240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
- MTH-241 Differential Equations
Written Communication - 6 Credit Hours
Oral Communication - 3 Credit Hours
Humanities and Fine Arts - 9 Credit Hours (from at least 2 disciplines, and a limit of no more than 3 credit hours of performance courses can be applied to Humanities and Fine Arts)
- ART-100 Art and Experience
- ART-101 Art History I
- ART-105 Art History II
- ART-120 Drawing I
- ASL-101 American Sign Language I
- ASL-102 American Sign Language II
- CHN-101 Beginning Chinese
- ENG-180 Introduction to Literature
- ENG-260 Survey of World Literature I
- ENG-265 Survey of World Literature II
- ENG-240 Survey English Literature I
- ENG-241 Survey English Literature II
- ENG-270 Survey American Literature I
- ENG-271 Survey American Literature II
- FRN-101 Beginning French I
- FRN-102 Beginning French II
- GRM-101 Beginning German I
- GRM-102 Beginning German II
- HUM-101 Introduction to the Humanities
- MUS-101 Music of the World
- MUS-105 Western Music Appreciation
- MUS-106 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS-145 Jazz Ensemble
- MUS-235 OTC Concert Choir
- PHL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL-105 Introduction to Ethics
- REL-100 Intro Religions Of The World
- REL-101 Intro to Old Testament
- REL-102 Intro to New Testament
- SPN-101 Beginning Spanish I
- SPN-102 Beginning Spanish II
- THR-101 Introduction to Theater
Natural Sciences - 7 Credit Hours (from at least 2 disciplines, including one course with a lab component)
Social and Behavioral Sciences - 9 Credit Hours (include at least one Civics course, PLS 101 or HST 120 or HST 130)
- ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT-220 Cultural Anthropology
- COM-150 Intro Mass Communication
- CRM-210 Intro to Criminal Justice
- CRM-230 Introduction to Criminology
- ECO-270 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO-275 Principles of Microeconomics
- GRY-101 World Geography
- HST-105 Ancient and Medieval World History
- HST-106 Modern World History
- HST-120 U.S. History I: to 1865
- HST-130 U.S. History II: 1865-Present
- PLS-101 American Government and Politics
- PLS-201 International Relations
- PSY-110 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY-130 Life Span Development Psychology
- SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC-210 Urban Sociology
- SOC-215 Deconstructing Social Problems
Core Electives - 5 Credit Hours
Credit received from an OTC course may be greater than the MOTR transfer equivalency. The additional credit provided from OTC for a MOTR approved course will move the additional credit to the Core electives (e.g. CHM 160 at OTC = 4 credit hours. MOTR equivalency = 3 credit hours; additional 1 hour moved to Core electives). Any course with an approved MOTR number or additional hours from a MOTR approved course can be utilized to fulfill the Core electives requirement.
Agriculture Certificate
Agriculture Certificate
Program Description
Certificate: 32 Hours
The Certificate of Achievement in Agriculture allows students to develop academic abilities and skills associated with the agriculture industry. Students with long-term goals of working in any chosen field of agriculture will benefit from these courses.
Agriculture Certificate Requirements - 17 Credit Hours
Agriculture Electives - 15 Credit Hours
Choose 15 credit hours from the courses below.
*Notices and Disclaimers
*Costs displayed are based on current tuition and fee rates for the program’s required credit hours, as approved by the OTC Board of Trustees, and are subject to change without notice. Estimates reflect both in-district and out-of-district residency rates. Actual costs, degree completion time, and credit requirements may vary based on residency, prior credits, elective courses, program updates, and enrollment factors. For additional information on attendance costs, visit Cost of Attendance, tuition and fees or contact us at 417-447-6900.
**Graduation rates vary by individual. For details on program enrollment, retention, exam/certification, and employment rates, visit Student Outcomes / Student Right-to-Know. Some careers on this list may require additional education and training. For program-specific accreditation visit OTC Accreditation.